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Archive for power exchange

Goddess Leesa Is Everything

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Everything. “Why not consider the idea that many men are aroused by worshipping women because it is a natural result of the power of the feminine. That the constant and ancient ritual for showing worship, kissing the foot, is an act charged with both spiritual and sexual intensity.”

Chivalry is MY birthright, not a handicap, Feministing

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Saturday, April 10th, 2010

Okay, feministing, this is where I part ways with you. We are definitely gonna have to agree to disagree on this issue – Feministing: Mandating Chivalry is Mandating SexismThey captioned this photo with “Okay, NOW you HAVE to make me dinner”. ORLY? Haha, no, Feministing, he has to let me walk on his coat to […]

Forced Intox Fool Gets Cash Bashed

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

I didn’t even get a chance to blog about this yet, or even add up all the rape-age, and I’ve already received the gifts in the mail. 😀 Last Tuesday, a call came in from a guy I had never spoken to, who I will now refer to as “forced intox fool”. Before the night […]

Lovesick Nylon Pup – Summer Puppy Love or True Financial Domination Commitment?

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Friday, August 1st, 2008

Summer puppy love is a wonderful thing. My lovesick little nylon pup is a little obsessed, as illustrated by the screenshot below. I see us moving toward something more permanent than July’s Niteflirt drainings. I predict serious commitment for August. Serious. Like…total asset re-allocation. : ) We’re moving beyond the puppy-sub stage. You read it […]


Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, August 17th, 2006

This is the link to My new Amazon wishlist:

Voice Post: Miserable Mikey sings the homo blues to the tune of Wham’s Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Friday, February 17th, 2006

Niteflirt Calls & The Power Exchange

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Saturday, January 14th, 2006

Good calls the past two days. I like when I have callers who “get it” – you know, the ones where the call is really about the power exchange and they know it. The ones where your whole fetish, no matter what form it takes, is really about giving up control and you can feel […]