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Archive for humiliatrix

Ten Ways to Torment Your Lover or Every Vanilla Girlfriend is a Cruel Femdom at Heart

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Saturday, March 27th, 2010

I read this article at AskMen.com this morning and I got some sadistic pleasure from knowing that even vanilla girls know how to be cruel. This was almost like softcore porn for me today – Top 10 Cruel Things Women Do To Men

Podcasts / Voice Posts / NJ Lozer

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

I know many of you out there have been lurking and enjoying my voice posts & podcasts over here on LJ. Well…here's what you don't know — I have more podcasts that I haven't released to the public and I'm about to start allowing access to those. Here is how it will work: If you […]