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Archive for niteflirt

Financial Domination and Femdom Links

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, March 31st, 2011

I’ve been busy revamping my other website lafemmesuprema.com. I spent yesterday doing a pretty kick-ass links page & working up a new shop-til-ya-drop page for my Niteflirt stuff. Go over and check out some of the eye candy and click the links.

Financial Domination & Femdom Links

What Its Like To Serve Goddess Leesa

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, July 8th, 2010

“What Its Like To Serve Goddess Leesa?”   Have you read it yet? If not, buy it now:   Buy It NOW! NEW Episode! mitch wins the lottery! BUY IT NOW!

Blog toys

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, April 17th, 2008

In case you haven’t noticed, I have these cute mini-updates posting every day in my sidebar, you can use those to keep up with what I’m doing and for IMPORTANT clues to what you should be doing. 😀 Also, if you’re a devoted reader and want to bring me along on your mobile device – […]

CAUTION – Femdom Ranting Ahead

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Sunday, November 18th, 2007

I have had a couple of blogworthy rants stewing around inside of me for the past week.  That's probably one reason I have avoided blogging.  When I rant, it takes time.  Lots of time. And I haven't had the kind of time I need to write the well constructed rants that I want to construct. But – I need to get […]

Pay and go away

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Friday, October 26th, 2007

I haven't blogged all week or done anything special with my Niteflirt boys because I've been in one of those just pay and go away moods this week. A few of you did just that, too, which is absolutely peachy keen by Me. I have a couple of amusing things to blog about and I'm […]

These cute BUY NOW buttons I’m using..

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Saturday, October 6th, 2007

…are courtesy of mistress_lycia, a talented and accomplished Humiliatrix and Erotic Hypnotist who you may have seen on My friends page. She was so generous to share these a few months ago and now I'm putting them to good use on My journal & Niteflirt listings so I just wanted to give her a shout […]


Posted by Goddess Leesa on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

My LiveJournal paid account status expires on October 23rd. Go here and pay for my next 12 months for $25 dollars: http://www.livejournal.com/shop/view.bml?class=merchandise&gift=1 PAID BY  j 

Podcasts / Voice Posts / NJ Lozer

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

I know many of you out there have been lurking and enjoying my voice posts & podcasts over here on LJ. Well…here's what you don't know — I have more podcasts that I haven't released to the public and I'm about to start allowing access to those. Here is how it will work: If you […]

A story in pictures : )

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Monday, October 1st, 2007

Fun lozer rape-age last night.  He managed to pay down his card by a few hundred and then put it all back in my Niteflirt account @ the rate of 3.99 per minute talk time.  He ordered My Sopranos Season 6 Part 1 Boxed Set while we were on the phone, too. Then he sent […]


Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, August 17th, 2006

This is the link to My new Amazon wishlist: