Archive for July, 2006
Teasing and Denial
LOL, well this really was a “tease and denial” wasn't it? I teased you with the title, and then I denied you a blog entry. : )
Protected: Jacktard Pays to Have Phonesex with My Voice Mail
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Learn about Me
I believe in the Superiority of the female gender and the ascendancy of a female driven society. I also believe in My own superiority.
My “schedule” or something like it
I've been around so little the past six months..haven't bothered to update much. The time I have available for calls & online sessions has increased a bit, so I thought I'd post something like a “schedule” here for My loyal readers. : ) Now, mind you, “schedule” and “routine” are very dirty words to this […]