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Archive for forced intox

Forced Intox Fool Gets Cash Bashed

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

I didn’t even get a chance to blog about this yet, or even add up all the rape-age, and I’ve already received the gifts in the mail. 😀 Last Tuesday, a call came in from a guy I had never spoken to, who I will now refer to as “forced intox fool”. Before the night […]

Happy Turkey!

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, November 22nd, 2007

Just checking in to let you all know I haven't forgotten you! No time right now for long updates….I”ll try to get back tonight for a more detailed entry. BUT —  new designs are coming on  some of my listings.  Like this one – http://www.niteflirt.com/JerseyCRUELTY I've got some new concepts and ideas and kinky games […]

Saturday night forced intox – drink and drain!

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Saturday, November 10th, 2007

Last night I held the Friday night drink & drain and one of my wandering Niteflirt pantyhose freaks wandered his way back into My web. We did a nice long drain session & capped it off with a tribute….and that was My night! Are you up for it? I’ll be on late tonight to do […]