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Archive for November, 2007

A few things I’m thankful for right now

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Sunday, November 25th, 2007

Let's see – I'm thankful for – * loyal, smart and sexy friends * My wonderful apartment and that spectacular NYC view from my window – ok my photography skills suck   especially with a webcam but hey, nice sunrise, right? * entertaining, sweet and loyal sub boys * being alive, healthy and at the top […]

Christmas whims

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Friday, November 23rd, 2007

sephoraslave is taking care of My updated holiday Sephora list and some Macy*s items I messaged him with.  The rest of these are up for grabs.  If I get duplicates, I can always exchange, so no biggie. Macy*s whims

Happy Turkey!

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, November 22nd, 2007

Just checking in to let you all know I haven't forgotten you! No time right now for long updates….I”ll try to get back tonight for a more detailed entry. BUT —  new designs are coming on  some of my listings.  Like this one – http://www.niteflirt.com/JerseyCRUELTY I've got some new concepts and ideas and kinky games […]

CAUTION – Femdom Ranting Ahead

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Sunday, November 18th, 2007

I have had a couple of blogworthy rants stewing around inside of me for the past week.  That's probably one reason I have avoided blogging.  When I rant, it takes time.  Lots of time. And I haven't had the kind of time I need to write the well constructed rants that I want to construct. But – I need to get […]

Saturday night forced intox – drink and drain!

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Saturday, November 10th, 2007

Last night I held the Friday night drink & drain and one of my wandering Niteflirt pantyhose freaks wandered his way back into My web. We did a nice long drain session & capped it off with a tribute….and that was My night! Are you up for it? I’ll be on late tonight to do […]

Officially “back”

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

Yeah, I'm officially back on Niteflirt and here in my blog.  Even though I did a little checking in here & there, went on alerts & took 2 arranged calls while I was “away”.  I have many things to update on here but not ready to make the big entry, I'm getting ready for a […]