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Archive for phonesex

Goddess Leesa Phone

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

someone is desperately searching for “Goddess Leesa phone”

Points of Contact

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Saturday, September 19th, 2009

Fetish femdom phone domination 1 – 260 – 2 2 – L E E S A Direct Call

CAUTION – Femdom Ranting Ahead

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Sunday, November 18th, 2007

I have had a couple of blogworthy rants stewing around inside of me for the past week.  That's probably one reason I have avoided blogging.  When I rant, it takes time.  Lots of time. And I haven't had the kind of time I need to write the well constructed rants that I want to construct. But – I need to get […]