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Archive for moneyslavery

Forced Intox Fool Gets Cash Bashed

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

I didn’t even get a chance to blog about this yet, or even add up all the rape-age, and I’ve already received the gifts in the mail. 😀 Last Tuesday, a call came in from a guy I had never spoken to, who I will now refer to as “forced intox fool”. Before the night […]

Blog toys

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, April 17th, 2008

In case you haven’t noticed, I have these cute mini-updates posting every day in my sidebar, you can use those to keep up with what I’m doing and for IMPORTANT clues to what you should be doing. 😀 Also, if you’re a devoted reader and want to bring me along on your mobile device – […]

piggiepeter meets The Puppet Mistress

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Friday, October 5th, 2007

Snagged a new puppet tonight who danced to the tune of $185 in calls and then ordred this off my wishlist: Way to go, piggiepeter. By the way,  I was soooo not into this “piggie” stuff before.  I mean, referring to My slaves or even my humliation bois as piggies.  But with some of you…well, […]