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A story in pictures : )

By Goddess Leesa on Monday, October 1st, 2007

Fun lozer rape-age last night.  He managed to pay down his card by a few hundred and then put it all back in my Niteflirt account @ the rate of 3.99 per minute talk time. 

He ordered My Sopranos Season 6 Part 1 Boxed Set while we were on the phone, too.

Then he sent me this:

Goddess Leesa,

here is the balance that was in my niteflirt account.  again, i aplogize for my lack of funds.  thank You for speaking me today.

Goddess Leesa, You are everything and i am nothing.

$2.82.   So entirely pathetic but so totally amusing at the same time.  Priceless.

 Here's a few recent whims of mine that were catered to. There's more but getting all the pix taken, resized, watermarked & uploaded is pretty damn time consuming.   I also find it's hard to take clear pix of pretty shiny things with a 6 megapixel camera.  OR maybe it's the lighting?  Or something?  I'm really NOT a photography buff and I'm sure it shows.

Anyway…here's the piccies.

Shoes courtesy of hypnopuppet.  Not the same espadrilles as last time but kinda similar. The black are so fucking hot with a black skirt & white mantailored blouse.

Actual non-stock pic of My jewelry.

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