Financial Domination and Femdom Links
I’ve been busy revamping my other website I spent yesterday doing a pretty kick-ass links page & working up a new shop-til-ya-drop page for my Niteflirt stuff. Go over and check out some of the eye candy and click the links.
Financial Domination & Femdom Links
I’ve also released another new Niteflirt recording – Are YOU a Boob Zombie? and there is a text PTV quiz that goes with it (or can be used alone for boob zombie therapy initiation) Here is the PTV button for easy access:
Take the B(o)(o)B Zombie quiz!
Text Quiz & Boob Zombie Animation Inside
I’ll probably be publishing that on Talksugar too maybe even tonight.
Please be aware when you call into NF or TS to listen to recordings that quality & special effects are not the same as mp3 quality.
Requests for custom mp3’s ARE being taken now boys, so feel free to comment, email or call with requests & suggestions.
As a special treat : ) my Talksugar lines are priced at 4.99 ~ come call now!
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