Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-05
Y!:Overdue for a shopping spree! Let's have some Amazon GCs #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-01
@_Goddess_Lilith I'm glad you liked it 😀 in reply to _Goddess_Lilith # Hmmm Im thinking of incorporating some serious boxing into my workouts Imma add a heavy bag to my wishlist…a human one? LOL nahhhhhh #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-27
Y!:j will bleed green for me…its our anniversary! http://www.superiorfemale.com #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-26
Y!:I want to hurt you, I want to see you cry http://www.realitysandwich.com/slideshow/landscapes_sacred_feminine #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-24
…and it wasnt your all-American playboy mag sucknfuck porn either it was cuckold, tg and other more exotic flavors. oh the humanity! # Y!:My Talksugar line is reactivated – # Y!:My Talksugar line is reactivated – I'll be on tonite http://www.talksugar.com/host_bio.php?id=19737 # New Talksugar line http://www.talksugar.com/cgi-bin/rstatus-href.cgi?19737/1199/1 # Art: Landscapes of the Sacred Feminine http://www.realitysandwich.com/slideshow/landscapes_sacred_feminine Meditate […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-20
Y!:Aw credit card maxed out? Fuck you, payme. http://www.superiorfemale.com/ #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-18
Y!:NEW fresh faces! 15 Dommes & fetish girls added to my toplist this week #niteflirt http://bit.ly/arozGq # @celinawetdreams lol! Oh. I was watching the reruns on Oxygen. I have not caught the new season. Is Tyson Beckford on? I may have to check.. in reply to celinawetdreams # Y!:New blog post – forced liberalism fetish […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-17
Y!:Mmmmm nice credit card pillage last night – who's next? I'll be around tonight 😀 and even this afternoon, sluts http://superiorfemale.c #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-12
Y!:Register for my blog & get email updates! http://superiorfemale.com/wp-login.php?action=register #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-11
ANTM is on while I code & tweak – Tyson Beckford you are a hottie! And I am going for a walk in the sunshine shortly #