Financial Domination, Erotic Humiliation and Stuff
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning here. I’m just finishing my coffee and uploading a few pics of recent offerings I’ve received. Gotta go out for a ride after this…maybe a jog? I’ve been slacking in that department ever since I came back from my weekend at the shore.
Im going to watermark all the pics before I post them, I almost forgot about that.
Watermarking pix is something I’ve been neglecting but it’s been extremely annoying to see little things pilfered by Niteflirt n00bs and other pests. So TGL will be marking Her territory from here on out.
lozer is selling his golf clubs in order to tribute this week.
bubbleboi’s few meager possessions of value have been sold…not sure what he’s doing with the office supply “scam” LOL! The less I know, the better, I don’t want any connection to any “criminal enterprises”. ROFL!
tommygavin – his tributes from August 30th – today have put a 900 dollar “dent” in a goal I’m trying to reach. It’s been wonderful having him back where he belongs – under MY heels.
slaveeddie aka 5TL – lol – he’s in more of a frenzy than usual. Ill have to write in more detail about eddie & his exploits. he’s quite the entertainingly twisted pervert and My “exercises” have only twisted him further in some very unexpected ways.
I’ll end this entry here. Going to upload the “loot” pics and watermark. More later.
Ciao, bitches!
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