I'm not so happy with the new adult content flagging here at LJ. I am thinking of moving my blog over to one of my own domains and leaving this one here for brief updates, occasional voiceposts & stuff.
I'm not 100% sure what I will do yet and I can't post the domain I want to use yet until I clean up some non-Niteflirt compliant things on it. I'll probably make a decision and have something up & running in early January.
So for now, this is still my “main” blog.
Personal stuff:
I've been busy with holiday prep stuff and rearranging things in my home.
Have new web ventures planned besides my new blog but don't foresee anything being done before Jan 08.
I'll probably be kind of scarce blogwise til then too, but I'll try to make a couple o updates here & there and of course you guys can always reach me on Niteflirt.
Speaking of Niteflirt – big changeover with the “seperation” from Keen. If you've been trying to use the system and find that you can't….you may have to make a whole new account on Niteflirt. And if you have been use 1-800-ASK-KEEN or to make ADULT category calls — you can't anymore. So try using 1-800-TO-FLIRT or the Niteflirt site with your existing account FIRST. And if that doesn't work…you will have to make a whole new NF account. But you do have to do everything ADULT on now….exclusively.
/end public service announcement
On to holiday ho-ho-ho-ing.
Some of you have been good boys already & are working to make MY holiday what it should be.
A couple of you though, are so wrapped up in your own sad little “issues” that you've punked out, pooped out & all but disappeared.
To pick up the thread of another convo — LOYALTY is recognized around here. DIS-LOYALTY and INCONSISTENCY are duly noted as well and dealt with accordingly. Enough said.
Want the ho-ho-ho rundown?
$100 gift certificate and around 500 paid mail from dogboy
$733 NF tribute today from justin – new boy, seems promising
$300 (I think, might be a little more) two pair of wolfords and a cute pair of steve maddens from grovelingboy
$150 from slaveeddie so far
$350 tribute from drunksucker
$130 GC from cuckboy
losermikey was back after a long absence & sent 75 GC
And from jacktard….ZIP ZILCH ZERO NADA….seasonal affective disorder is a BITCH.
I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple…I'll be back if I remember.
Ciao, bitches.
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