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BIRTHDAY WHIMS! Cater to ME now!

By Goddess Leesa on Monday, October 15th, 2007

If you're “in the know” you know that MY birthday is the end of this month.  In keeping with the season, I'm posting this list of birthday whims and I'm expecting them to be catered to.  This post will be made “sticky” at the top of MY blog until November 10th.  All the buttons aren't operational as of tonight but you can always use the “SEND PAYMENT” option on Niteflirt or contact me privately for info on how to send gift certificates for some of these items.  Prices for gift certificates and direct purchases are different. 

Goddess Leesa's Birthday Whims
Down payment for MY next car


Click & pay $999 four times to cover Niteflirt's fees.

Six skin treatments at MY favorite day spa

Atone for MY bad behavior.  Pay off MY Saks credit card and give me a zero balance for MY birthday.  I really hate being in debt.


Cut, style & deep condition at MY favorite NY hair salon


The end tables that go with my new coffee table.

Gourmet goodies from MY favorite gourmet market



YOU have broken me, Goddess, but I managed to scrape together $50 bucks.  Please enjoy my suffering, Goddess.


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