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Ancient Blog Entry Resurrected from Google Cache

By Goddess Leesa on Thursday, June 19th, 2003

Author Message
The Goddess

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 6:34 pm Post subject: June 19, 2003 Reply with quote
Had another good workout today and I just ate a delicious salad and some chicken from Omaha Steaks. That is my new addiction their food is fantastic and simple to prepare for those times when I am on my own for dinner. The kitchen and I do not relate to each other LOL I truly hate domestic chores.

I wanted to see if the HTML is working in here LOL ok it’s not. I will have to play with this a bit I want to be able to use images in the messages like I do on My keen diary.

Part II ok AGAIN I went in and finished this post I thought I did anyway I typed a long paragraph about how I love Bettie Page and where to shop for Bettie Page Items for Me and when I came back in it was gone. Really strange…. I am wreaking havoc in those silly chat rooms lately just way too much and I need to stop I think it’s causing me to lose focus on what I am doing or else this PHP board is haunted. GRRRRRRR….

So, anyway, someone made a Goddess tag for me with a Bettie Page image and I really like it the full size one is just way too big to insert in a message but here is a link to it:


OK so there is My Bettie Page tag. I LOVE IT, I love her look and I love all Bettie Page items. If I had to explain why, I guess because she is Brunette & voluptuous (gotta love her for that LOL) so sexy and I love the campy retro pin up sexuality of the photoshoots she did.

This is the store on her fan club site http://online.cmgww.com/bpstore/main.asp HINT: I ALREADY HAVE THE BEACH TOWEL SO DON”T ORDER THAT. Bud Plant also stocks a number of cool Bettie Page items http://www.budplant.com he is also an ebay seller.

I think I fixed the HTML in the posts also maybe I will try it out with a thumbnail at the end of this post. As you can see I also enabled the avatars in your profiles that is why My photo now appears under My name. I know that most of you boys only lurk here except when I direct you to post but if anyone wants to add an avatar (photo or graphic ) to their profile, they can do that.

I uploaded a bunch of pics earlier some of them are old but not seen in a while some are some casual shots i took the past couple of weeks for those who like to visualize me hanging around the computer in the day time hours.

Now for the HTML test:

Goddess Leesa femdom foot worship

Ok Let’s see if my image worked LOL yay it did. I know that pic is a favorite of many of you ; Very Happy so drool boys drool.
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